Jesus' Mission

Jesus came proclaiming and Incarnating an alternative empire to Rome.

It was an Empire characterised by service and love rather than by domination and cruelty.

He came to his own people, largely, and incurred the wrath of the authorities by threatening the establishment.

Not only did he reject their interpretation of their own scriptures but he established an alternative purity system.

At that time there was a very narrowly defined set of conditions of and for those that were deemed acceptable.

Acceptable to the power brokers who controlled the means of access to God, namely the Temple.

Those who were untouchables, sinners, women, tax collectors ie agents of Rome, Samaritans and so forth.

It should be clear that this was a patriarchal structure, defined in terms of gender and race that was intended to exclude.

Similarly it should be clear that in word and deed Jesus exploded such exclusivity and inequality.

Indeed at one point Jesus suggested that were the Temple to be destroyed, he would raise up in three days.

He effectively replaced the temple by the table at which he was entertained as a guest.

At those tables he taught a reversal of values such that those with the least honour should swap places with those usually most honoured

And he gathered to himself a reputation as a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of sinners, prostitutes and tax c9ollectors.

He provocatively taught by parable that a hated Samaritan might be a role model in Israel of neighbourliness.

And he combined the love of God and neighbour in such a way, that included even enemies.

This combination of commandments meant that according to Jesus the connection with the divine could not be separated from the love of neighbour.

Worship was NOT an individual, private, Temple building focussed activity, it was focussed in and around a table at which all are welcome.

This is the test of whatever it is that church is called to be as the sacrament of the alternative Empire that Jesus came incarnating and proclaiming.

If that is not evidenced in our church services then it should be no surprise if numbers continue to dwindle, for it is authenticity that people seek.


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